Let us help you plan the tour & safari of a lifetime!

South­ern Afric­an Tours & Safaris

Botswana, Victoria Falls & Cape Town

Bot­swana or Kruger Safari, Vic­tor­ia Falls & Cape Town

We recom­mend a typ­ic­al 12-day hol­i­day to South­ern Africa, includ­ing 6 days on safari, 2 days at Vic­tor­ia Falls, and 4 days in Cape Town.

Rwanda Gor­illa Safari

Exper­i­ence an excit­ing moun­tain gor­illa-track­ing safari. Track and view face to face these highly endangered prim­ates, also the Golden mon­key, Sykes mon­key and chimpanzees.

Chavkin Safaris Celebrating Twenty Five Years

Chavkin Safar­is, estab­lished in 1997, is cel­eb­rat­ing its 25th anniversary and with so much pride I have arranged safar­is to South­ern Africa for hun­dreds of happy clients.

South­ern Africa offers the best safari exper­i­ence and many options to enjoy our unique coun­try, from our mag­ni­fi­cent coast­line, majest­ic moun­tains and highly rated city of Cape Town which is one of the most beau­ti­ful cit­ies in the world. As well as the Vic­tor­ia Falls, which is one of the sev­en won­ders of the world situ­ated north of South Africa on the bor­der of Zam­bia and Zim­b­ab­we. Come and exper­i­ence our unique and diverse wildlife.

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